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Homebrew Sega CD/Mega CD 3DS CIA maker tutorial



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
#1. Get a "Backup" of your Sega CD (or Mega CD) game you want plus grab any Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game (as a quick dummy file doesn't matter) and also a Sega CD BIOS file (all three regions)

#2. next download four important programs if you haven't already, (Ultimate GEN-MD Forwarder Maker for 3DS, HackingToolkit3DS, XVI32 *or any other hex editor program doesn't matter* and Notepad++)

#3. now run "Ultimate GEN-MD Forwarder Maker for 3DS" first, go to Open GEN-SMD File and load your downloaded Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game rom, second rename the game's name & publisher to that of the Sega CD game's name and publisher and also change the banner icon image to that of the Sega CD game you got instead (you can use the box art cover to make it quicker) and then just do the rest of the procedure, edit the screen, VC message, etc.. and then click on finish and it'll create a .cia file (that's gonna be your dummy file you'll be using for the next step)

#4. run "HackingToolkit3DS" and now copy & paste (or drag & drop) the created .cia dummy file you just made into the HackingToolkit3DS's folder, run the app and then you'll be given a list of commands you can do, but what you gonna want to do in this tutorial only is "Enter CE for extract a .CIA file" and then enter the name of that dummy file you copy & paste'd to. (so for example: SegaCD or snatcher without the .cia typed in with it)

#5. now once it's done extracting (which only takes a few seconds to finish) look back in the HackingToolkit3DS folder and you should now see three folders "ExtractedBanner", "ExtractedExeFS", and "ExtractedRomFS" plus just a bunch of .bin files, now first go into ExtractedExeFS folder and look for a file code.bin, this file you'll want to open a Hex Editor program for.

#6. next you'll want to do is open XVI32 (or any other Hex Editor program you installed instead) and load up the code.bin file from the ExtractedExeFS folder from the HackingToolkit3DS folder, and now once it's loaded next thing to do is click on the magnifying glass icon and then in the text string box type in rom.bin and then click on OK and it should take you directly to the text on the right side that'll say "romfs:/rom.bin" change the rom.bin text line to rom.cue instead, so it should now look like "romfs:/rom.cue" and now save it and exit out the editor app.

#7. and now next thing to do now is go into the ExtractedRomFS folder and open up retroarch.cfg in a text editor app like Notepad++ or any other text editing app, once your in look for system_directory = "sdmc:/" delete the entire sdmc:/ line and then you'll want to rename it now as to only romfs: so now it should look like this: system_directory = "romfs:" you can now save or save all the retroarch.cfg file and quit out of the text editor.

#8. next to last thing to do is now drag & drop all the .bin + .cue files in the Sega CD game folder you "Backup'd or downloaded" eariler to the ExtractedRomFS folder and then now rename that .cue file to rom.cue and also copy the Sega CD BIOS file of your region of the game, so for example: if your Sega CD game is from USA you'll want to drag & drop (or copy & paste) it to the ExtractedRomFS folder as well too and rename it as bios_CD_U.bin

#9. and now FINALLY you can start rebuilding all the files to a new .cia file, so now what you wanna do is start up HackingToolkit3DS.exe and now this time "Enter CR for rebuild a .CIA file" and next it'll ask you to name a output file so it can create a new .cia file that being your Sega CD game this time so you can call it Snatcher or Sonic CD or whatever game your doing, follow the rest of the steps as normal and then it'll begin to rebuild the files so now just sit back and chill until it finishes... and once it's done that's it!!

Your now all done and can now finally install your Sega/Mega CD game you wanted to your 3DS and enjoy!!!

And also you can now run CleanTool.exe and have it delete all the extracted files from the HackingToolkit3DS folder completely

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