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Hacking Mario Kart 8 Modding Central



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024

Hiya! This thread is a collection of tools and resources relating to modding Mario Kart 8. These links pertain to the Wii U version of the game first and foremost, but many of the resources - such as Switch Toolbox - apply to the Deluxe version of the game.

Wii U Tools
Custom Firmwares
Mocha CFW - Custom firmware that allows you to do more things with your Wii U.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/mocha-cfw-the-sweet-chocolate-to-your-latte.452940/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/dimok789/mocha
Haxchi - Small custom firmware installed by a DS Virtual Console exploit.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/FIX94/haxchi
Wii U Plugin System - Platform which works in addition to CFW to install plugins to the system.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/wii-u-plugin-system.496659/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Maschell/WiiUPluginLoader
Homebrew App Store - Platform for downloading homebrew.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-homebrew-app-store-for-wiiu.433275/
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/4TU/hb-appstore
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/vgmoose/hb-appstore

File Dumping/Replacing Tools
Dumpling - Dumps the files from Wii U games, and from your Wii U.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-dumpling.562741/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/emiyl/dumpling
ddd - Dumps the files from a Wii U game over the network.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/ddd-wiiu-title-dumper.418492/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/dimok789/ddd
Cafiine - Loads files from your computer instead of your Wii U.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/cafiine-with-choosable-ipv4-works-from-4-1-0-to-5-5-1.425198/
GitHub Repository Mirror: https://github.com/dedChar/Cafiine-410-551
Cafiine Extended - Loads files from your computer instead of your Wii U.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/extende...-everything-mode-encrypted-game-packs.430596/
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/CafiineServer
SDCafiine - Loads files from your SD card instead of your Wii U.
GBATemp Thread: http://gbatemp.net/threads/sdcafiine.471360/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Maschell/SDCafiine
Geckiine - Loads files from your computer instead of your Wii U, while installing TCP Gecko as well.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-geckiine-tcpgecko-and-cafiine-combined.433057/
GitHub Repository Mirror: https://github.com/OatmealDome/Geckiine
SDGeckiine - Loads files from your SD card instead of your Wii U, while installing TCP Gecko as well.
GitHub Repository Mirror: https://github.com/Sheldon10095/SDGeckiine

RAM Editing Tools
pyGecko - TCP Gecko Installer and Codehandler.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/wiiudev/pyGecko
wj44's ELF TCP Gecko Installer - Homebrew Launcher application that launches CosmoCourtney's modified codehandler.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/wj444/tcpgecko
CosmoCortney's TCP Gecko Codehandler - TCP Gecko modified codehandler to allow cheat codes. If you want to download it, it's included with wj44's TCP Gecko Installer.

PC Tools
Python - Runs certain tools. Not all tools use the same compatable Python version, so take note of if you download version 2 or 3.
Website: https://www.python.org/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/python/cpython
Java - Runs certain tools.
Website: https://www.java.com/

Modeling Tools
Blender - Creates 3D models. Open source, cross platform and free.
Website: https://www.blender.org/
Maya - Creates 3D models. Closed source, Windows and Max only, and paid, but free for students.
Website: https://www.autodesk.com/products/maya/overview
3DS Max - Creates 3D models. Closed source, Windows only, and paid, but free for students.
Website: https://www.autodesk.com/products/3ds-max/overview

Audio Tools
Audacity - Manipulates audio.
Website: http://www.audacityteam.org/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/audacity/audacity

File Dumping/Replacing Tools
ddd - Dumps the files from a Wii U game.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/ddd-wiiu-title-dumper.418492/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/dimok789/ddd
Cafiine - Load files from your computer instead of your Wii U.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/cafiine-with-choosable-ipv4-works-from-4-1-0-to-5-5-1.425198/
GitHub Repository Mirror: https://github.com/dedChar/Cafiine-410-551
Cafiine Extended - Load files from your computer instead of your Wii U.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/extende...-everything-mode-encrypted-game-packs.430596/
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/CafiineServer

Multipurpose Editing Tools
Switch Toolbox - Edits various file formats (Recommended!).
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/KillzXGaming/Switch-Toolbox
Track Studio - Edits track models, objects, paths, and animations (Recommended!)
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/MapStudioProject/Track-Studio
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/TjatyEE9NW
Wexos's Toolbox (Obsolete in favor of Switch Toolbox) - Edits various file formats.
Custom Mario Kart Wiiki Page: http://wiki.tockdom.com/wiki/Wexos's_Toolbox

File Archive (SZS, SARC) Tools
Yaz0Dec - Decompresses SZS files.
Website: http://amnoid.de/gc/
Yaz0Enc - Compresses a file into the SZS format.
Website: http://amnoid.de/gc/
wszst - Manages SZS files.
Website: http://szs.wiimm.de/wszst/
Wii U Zip - Manages files inside Wii U archives like SARCs, ARCs, BARS, and PACKs.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/jam1garner/WiiUZip

Model (BFRES) Tools
BFRES Model Importer - Imports and exports BFRES models.
GameBanana Page: http://gamebanana.com/tools/6132
BFRES Model Injector - Injects models into BFRES archives.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/smb123w64gb/BFRES_Injector_CMD
io_scene_bfres - Imports BFRES models into Blender.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/io_scene_bfres

BFRES Vertex Tools (Obsolete in favor of the BFRES Model Importer.) - Modifies the coordinates of the vertex points of a BFRES model (Requires Python 2.7).
Discord Direct Download: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/203594411857149952/235626655966691328/BFRES_Vertex_Tool.7z

Texture (BFRES/BFLIM) Tools
BFRES Tool (Obsolete in favor of Track Studio) - Extracts and injects textures into a BFRES file.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/bfres-tool-a-tool-for-injecting-extracting-textures.465928/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/aboood40091/BFRES-Tool
BFRES Texture Injector (Obsolete in favor of Track Studio) - Extracts and injects textures into a BFRES file.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-bfres-texture-injector.422580/
BFLIM Extractor (Obsolete in favor of Track Studio) - Extracts textures from BFLIM files and converts DDS files to BFLIM.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-bflim-extractor.439483/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/aboood40091/BFLIM-Extractor/

TexHaxU (Really outdated. Seriously, stop using this.) - Injects textures into a BFRES file.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/NWPlayer123/WiiUTools/tree/master/TexHaxU
BFLIM Tool (Obsolete in favor of BFLIM Extractor) - A tool used to inject images into a BFLIM file.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-bflim-tool-a-tool-for-extracting-injecting-layout-images.467017/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/aboood40091/BFLIM-Tool

Collision (KCL) Tools
Every File Explorer Mod (Obsolete in favor of Track Studio) - Modification of Every File Explorer to work with Mario Kart 8's KCL files.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-every-file-explorer-build-for-kcl-generation.471478/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/MasterF0x/EveryFileExplorer
io_scene_kcl (Obsolete in favor of Track Studio) - Imports KCL collision models into Blender and edits the collision flags of planes.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/io_scene_kcl

Course/Object Info (BYAML) Tools
io_scene_mk8muunt - Imports and exports BYAMLs in Blender.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/io_scene_mk8muunt
MK8-Editor (Obsolete in favor of Track Studio) - Edits course BYAMLs.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/CodingKoopa/mk8-editor
yamlconv - Converts between BYAMLs and XMLs.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Chadderz121/yamlconv
NoLakitu - Disables Lakitu for a course BYAML.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools/MarioKart8
Adjust200 - Creates a 200cc BYAML file.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools/MarioKart8
ObjDumper - Dumps objflow.byaml into a readable table.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools/MarioKart8

Audio (BRSTM) Tools
BrawlBox - Converts WAVs, MP3s, VGM/VGZs to WAV, MP3, FLAC, BRSTM, BCSTM, or BFSTM.
Kitty Corp: Meow Mix Forum Thread: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=67847.0
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/libertyernie/brawltools/
Looping Audio Converter - Converts WAVs, MP3s, VGM/VGZs to WAV, MP3, FLAC, BRSTM, BCSTM, or BFSTM.
Website: http://www.lakora.us/brawl/loopingaudioconverter/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/libertyernie/LoopingAudioConverter

Text (MSBT) Tools
MSBT Editor - A tool to edit text files in many Wii U games, including Mario Kart 8.
GBATemp Thread: http://gbatemp.net/threads/release-msbt-editor-reloaded.406208/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/IcySon55/3DLandMSBTeditor

BIN Tools
BIN Editor - Edits vehicle/player stats and item probabilities.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools/MarioKart8
Custom Mario Kart Wiiki Page: http://mk8.tockdom.com/wiki/BIN_Editor
BinDumper - Dumps the contents of .bin files.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools/MarioKart8

RAM Editing Tools
TCP Gecko.NET - Edits the Wii U's RAM with a TCP Gecko installer and codehandler.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Chadderz121/tcp-gecko-dotnet
JGeckoU - Edits the Wii U's RAM, and use cheat codes with CosmoCortney's modified codehandler.
GBATemp Thread: http://gbatemp.net/threads/development-of-new-wii-u-ram-debugger.413477/
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/BullyWiiPlaza/JGeckoU/

Mario Kart 8 Trainer (Obsolete in favor of JGecko U) - A program for use with a TCP Gecko codehandler that lets you cheat in Mario Kart 8.
GitHub Repository: http://gbatemp.net/threads/mario-kart-8-trainer.398015/

Programming Libraries
NintenTools.MarioKart8 - .NET library for loading and modifying MK8/MK8D files.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools/MarioKart8
NintenTools.Yaz0 - .NET library for decompressing Yaz0 data.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools.Yaz0
NintenTools.Bfres - .NET library for loading and modifying BFRES graphics archives.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools.Bfres
NintenTools.Byaml - .NET library for loading and modifying BYAML files.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/NintenTools.Byaml
yaz0 - Python library for decompressing Yaz0 data.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/yaz0
bfres - Python library for loading and modifying BFRES graphics archives.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/bfres
bfres - Python library for loading and modifying BYAML files.
GitLab Repository: https://gitlab.com/Syroot/byaml
pyGecko - Python library for editing the Wii U RAM using a TCP Gecko installer and codehandler.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/wiiudev/pyGecko


Mario Kart 8 File Structure - Shows the structure of Mario Kart 8's filesystem.
Custom Mario Kart Wiiki Page: http://mk8.tockdom.com/wiki/Filesystem/content/
Mario Kart 8 Course Information - Contains tons of info about Maro Kart 8's courses and music.
Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CiijrS6P6gqLAfzqKQLpZGd-CeljqzuDFvfLg6ThW3A/
Mario Kart 8 Music Details - Also has info about Mario Kart 8's music.
Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ix0r25YUbRqq0603YAKvdPY-q0wmFzihpEV_8MnVFp4/>
Mario Kart 8 Driver Information - A reference for karts and drivers, and filenames.
Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12Ju79m4RgkPwVHoDhzsGC-yCxjBbZVGmQ4vL2VK2O4w/
BYAML Coordinate System Reference
Direct Image Link: http://ray.syroot.com/gbatemp/mk8/modtut/byamlcoords.png
MK8D Parts.Bin Research - Documentation on how the parts.bin files work, originally intended for porting Mario Kart Tour's MonoBehavior to the game.
Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xJKL6UA5o51ruU9HbOohptzQ9TXSZRkGO-U9n7MQj0g/edit?usp=sharing

GameBanana - A website where you can find tons of Mario Kart 8 mods.
Website: https://gamebanana.com/games/5709
Smash Custom Music - A website where you can find music already converted to BRSTM, BCSTM, and BFSTM.
Website: http://smashcustommusic.com/
Mario Kart 8 100% Save - A save for SaveMiiMod that has everything unlocked.
Homebrew App Store - A website for downloading Wii U homebrew.
Website: https://apps.fortheusers.org/wiiu
Google Drive Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5p7e1g-NHIvZHNla2F0XzVDbGc/

Exploit Hosts
wiiuexploit.xyz - A website you can visit on your Wii U that provides access to the Homebrew Launcher (Recommended!).
Website: http://wiiuexploit.xyz/
WiiuBru Go - A website you can visit on your Wii U that provides access to the Homebrew Launcher and Homebrew App Store.
Website: https://wiiubru.com/go/
loadiine.ovh - A website you can visit on your Wii U that provides easy access to exploits and programs.
Website: http://loadiine.ovh/
wj44.xyz / wj44.ml - Another website you can visit on your Wii U that provides exploits and programs.
Website: http://wj44.ml/

DNS Hosts
TitleDB LA DNS - Blocks updates.
TitleDB Netherlands DNS - Blocks updates.

Mario Kart 8 Modding Central Discord - Discord server for Mario Kart 8 Modding.
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/K3ERBFC
Wii U Cheat Code Thread - A place where you can find cheat codes for use with JGecko/TCPGecko, and how to use them.
GBATemp thread: http://gbatemp.net/threads/post-your-wiiu-cheat-codes-here.395443/
Mario Kart 8 Title IDs - To use Cafiine, you'll have to create a folder with one of these names inside the cafiine_root folder, depending on what region your MK8 disc is for.
USA - 00050000-1010EC00
EUR - 00050000-1010ED00
JAP - 00050000-1010EB00
Wii U Hacks Guide - A guide for hacking your Wii U from start to finish (Recommended!).
Site: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/
Switch Toolbox Wiki - Guides for creating mods using Switch Toolbox.
GitHub Wiki: https://github.com/KillzXGaming/Switch-Toolbox/wiki
Track Editing Tutorial - A guide for modifying many aspects of a course.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/rays-mario-kart-8-course-modding-tutorials.430948/
Custom Track Tutorial - A guide for making your own custom track from scratch.
Gamebanana Link: https://gamebanana.com/tuts/12508
BFRES Importing Tutorial - A guide for importing a custom model into a BFRES file.
Gamebanana Link: https://gamebanana.com/tuts/12327
Original Mario Kart 8 Modding Central - The original version of this thread, that has some tutorials. Do take it with a grain of salt, because some of what's described there is outdated.
GBATemp Thread: https://gbatemp.net/threads/mario-kart-8-modding-central.425919/

Where to Get Started
Well, this sure ended up being quite a big thread, so here are some examples of some things you can do to get started:
  • Setup custom firmware on your Wii U using the Wii U Hacks Guide. You can also setup CEMU too, if that's your style.
  • Dump your game with Dumpling Having a copy of all of your game files is very useful.
  • Make a text edit with Cafiine or SDCafiine. Using the MSBT editor to edit ingame text is a great way to get started with making mods, and using them with Cafiine.
  • Make a texture hack of an ingame character. Get comfortable with messing around with BFRES files.

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