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ROM Hack NTR CFW - Real-Time Save Feature Results



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024

This thread will be used to collect results on which games the NTR CFW Real-Time Save feature works on or doesn't work on, alongside their region, the type of emunand used, the version of emunand used, and the game's region. The idea is to create a comprehensive list of games so that you can see at a glimpse which games work, along with the caveats or expected behavior. Some games also don't work properly with this feature unless certain conditions are met; this thread aims to document that, as well.

All games will be listed in alphabetical order, and a color will be assigned to each of them, showing their compatibility. Games marked green work without any special actions on the user's part. Games marked orange work, but require special conditions to be met, which will be described in the text following the game's name and region. Games marked red don't work with this feature at all (at least to our knowledge). Additionally, following the description showing the expected behavior of the game once you use the feature, a link to the posts with the information will be shown, along with the tested firmwares, emunand versions and type, and NTR CFW versions.

Want to add a game to the database? Fill out the form below (copy the text in the code box!), and submit it to the thread. If you see the game you want to submit on the list already, submit it anyway! Having more information is helpful, and will tell us more about the game's compatibility. If a game doesn't work with the version of NTR CFW you're using, and it isn't the latest version, try using the latest version instead, and submit that a a different report! As of writing, the current latest version is Shadowtrance's NTR CFW 3.3-3D.

Game Name: The name of the game.
Game Region: The game's region. N/E/J. If you're using a region-free CIA, then just say the region the game was before being patched.
Game Version: If the game has newer versions available for download on the eShop, specify which version you tested this on. Otherwise, you can omit this.
Emunand Type: RxTools, Reinand, etc. Include the exact version you're using!
Firmware Version: The emunand firmware you're on.
NTR CFW Version: The NTR CFW version you're on. Specify cell9's or Shadowtrance's, and the version number (if applicable)
Notable Behavior: Does the function work or not? Be detailed in your description, include things that you noticed that are abnormal, or things that you have to do to get it to work properly. Test more than once!

Use this pastebin to fill out the form.

You can view the spreadsheet here. Games that you submit results for in this thread will be added to the spreadsheet as soon as possible.

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