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Super Metroid Review

Super Metroid is more than just a game - it's a piece of gaming history. Its innovative gameplay, atmospheric world, and enduring appeal make it a must-play for any gaming enthusiast.

Official Review


A timeless classic, Super Metroid has been the cornerstone of action-adventure gaming for over a decade. Let's take a deep dive into this remarkable game and revisit its enduring appeal.

Super Metroid holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers. The third installment in the Metroid series, this game transcended the boundaries of its genre, blending exploration, puzzle-solving, and intense combat into a cohesive whole.

The Legacy of Super Metroid

The Metroid series, with Samus Aran at the helm, set the stage for action-adventure gaming. However, it was Super Metroid that refined these elements into a polished gem of game design. Its combination of exploration, backtracking, and power-up acquisition was groundbreaking and continues to influence game design today.


Gameplay and Mechanics

At its core, Super Metroid is an exploration game where players navigate through the alien world of Zebes. The game starts with a sense of isolation that only deepens as players venture into the labyrinth of alien tunnels. The gameplay is a delicate balance of desperation and empowerment, as players begin with limited capabilities and gradually acquire new power-ups to overcome obstacles.


Exploring the World of Zebes

The world of Zebes is an interconnected maze of rooms and tunnels. The sense of exploration is heightened by the game's non-linear design. Players can choose their own path and discover new areas at their own pace. The game's environment is as much a character as Samus herself, filled with atmospheric details that bring the alien world to life.


The Power-up System

The power-up system in Super Metroid is a cornerstone of its gameplay. Each power-up not only enhances Samus' abilities but also opens up new areas to explore. This sense of progression and empowerment is a key part of the game's appeal.


Replayability and Speedrunning

One of Super Metroid's enduring legacies is its replayability. With multiple paths to explore and optional power-ups to acquire, players can challenge themselves to complete the game in different ways. The game also gave birth to the speedrunning community, with players competing to finish the game in the fastest time possible.


Super Metroid on Virtual Console

Playing Super Metroid on the Virtual Console brings a new level of convenience to the game. The save state feature allows players to save their progress at any point, eliminating the need to find save rooms. The game's controls also feel right at home on the Wii Classic Controller.



Super Metroid stands the test of time with its engaging gameplay, atmospheric world, and high replayability. Whether you're a newcomer to the game or a longtime fan, Super Metroid is a game worth revisiting.


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