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Chad Waliser
7 min read
This is a guide for save a replaced or dead emmc Nintendo Switch consoles fully noob friendly step by step. This gonna take a while, you need to be patient or persistent enough. And you can"t go online but you can use card games, homebrews, pirated games too. Everything you need to save your...
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Chad Waliser
3 min read
Use FPSLocker on actual hardware or uncap framerate emulator and/or limit game speed to 200% to achieve the same result as this guide. No Ghidra or guide required now. This is a basic guide to create an .ips that patches 'nvnWindowBuilderSetPresentInterval' and/or 'nvnWindowSetPresentInterval'...
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Chad Waliser
4 min read
So, congratulations! You've downloaded a ROM hack! Playing your fangame is straightforward: Download the patch for the hack you'd like to play. These patches come in formats including .bps, .xdelta, .ups, or .ips. As a patch, it's only one of the things you'll need to play the game. Download...
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Chad Waliser
5.00 star(s) Author rating
Dreaming about playing one's favourite Dreamcast games on PC has always been a dream. And with a plethora of Dreamcast exclusives not coming to newer hardware anytime soon, emulation is the only way to experience them. Enthusiasts took it upon their shoulders to make the impossible, possible...
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Chad Waliser
5.00 star(s) Author rating
Looking for a new way to play your favorite video games? If you have a powerful enough computer, you can play Wii and Gamecube games using Dolphin Emulator. This is a great way to play games when you don't have the Wii with you, make the games look even better than they do on a Wii, or even play...
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In this guide, we will be delving into how you can play your Original Xbox Games on your Windows PC. The Original Xbox was Microsoft's first foray into the gaming console market. The latter competed with the PlayStation 2, the Sega Dreamcast ( which ultimately went downhill before the Xbox went...