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SOR2 - Final Fight Crossover 2019-2020

SOR2 - Final Fight Crossover 2019-2020
Hack of Streets of Rage 2


Streets of Rage 2 - Final Fight Crossover 2019~2020
October 2020 update
Hack Author: Dha Lau Hoo
It is a pity that the heroes of the Metro City never fought as one team again since the first Final Fight game, but at least they can fight as one team in this hack of Streets of Rage 2.
Imagine if there are multiple timelines, and there is one that the heroes of Capcom will fight the villains of Sega, it will be another exciting story.
In this hacked game, the four playable characters are Mayor Mike Haggar, Cody, Guy, and Chun-Li. Each of the four playable characters requires a unique fighting strategy, so that you will not get bored.
On the other hand, Mr. X will have Akuma/Gouki as his bodyguard. Watch out for his Raging Demon! It's powerful.
Version 1.30 (October 2020) updates:
  • A demo video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLrtAEmc5Mg
  • Fixed some sprites of Cody and Chun-Li.
  • Cody now has a run animation.
  • Cody can perform a dodge roll by pressing up or down with A.
  • Cody no longer has a charge move.
  • Fixed some collision detections of Cody, Guy and Mike.
System Updates:
  • All playable characters can run and change direction and turn around while running (just like Cadillacs & Dinosaurs).
  • All playable characters can jump further while running (just like Cadillacs & Dinosaurs).
  • The command to run (f, f) becomes more sensitive.
  • Players can still move after defeating each boss (just like Cadillacs & Dinosaurs).
  • Offensive Special no longer costs player's own health.
  • If the player presses A while running, the player's character will perform Offensive Special (in the original game, nothing will happen).
  • The playable characters will gain approximately half second of invulnerability after then end of a Defensive Special (just like Cadillacs & Dinosaurs).
  • In Version 1.04 and 1.21, charge attacks require holding B for only 1/2 second.
  • In Version 1.04a, charge attacks require holding B for 2/3 second. There is no other difference between 1.04 and 1.04a. Both are included in the zip file. Pick whichever you are more comfortable with.
  • Version 1.21 is revised in 2020. It features color adjustment, sound fix, jump lag fix, and some minor adjustment to improve the gameplay.
  • Version 1.25 features new title screen, and new run animation for Chun-Li.
  • Version 1.30 features new run animation for Cody and several other fixes.
Move List
Mike Haggar:
  • German Suplex: Grab an enemy from behind and press B
  • Piledriver: Grab an enemy, press C, and then press B quickly.
  • Hammer: Forward, forward, B
  • Sonic Boom: Press BC at the same time
  • Violent Axe: Forward A
  • Spinning Clothesline: A
Cody Travers:
  • Tornado Uppercut: Forward, forward, B
  • Dragon Parry: In V1.04/1.04a: Press BC at the same time
  • Dragon Parry: In V1.25 and later: Press BC and hold either B or C. (Cody will block the enemy attack and counterattack with a combo.)
  • Rising Dragon Punch: Forward A
  • Dodge Roll: (V1.30 only) Up A or down A
  • Tornado Kick: A
Guy of Bushinryu Clan:
  • Bushinryu Air Combo: Forward, forward, B
  • Roundhouse Kick: Hold B for a short while and release
  • Jeet Kune Nunchaku: Press BC at the same time
  • Bushinryu Fireball: Forward A
  • Tornado Kick: A
Xiang, Chun-Li: (Why Chun-Li? Because she made cameo appearances in Saturday Night Slam Masters and Final Fight 2, and a fighter like her doesn't deserve to be a bystander.)
  • Rolling Throw: Grab an enemy, press C, and then press B quickly.
  • Back Throw: Grab an enemy from front and press backward B
  • Neck Breaking Kick: Forward, forward, B
  • Qigong Fireball: V1.04: Hold B for a short while and release
  • Qigong Fireball: V1.25 and later: Press forward and BC
  • Shadowless Kicks: Press BC at the same time
  • Air Rising Kick: Forward A
  • Spinning Bird Kick: A
The sprites were provided by the following artists, and modified by the author to be used in this hack.
  • Mike, Cody, and Guy by T0misaurus
  • Chun-Li by Lord Zymeth and Feng Qi Chui Yang Wu
  • Akuma by luis-mortalkombat14 (Special effects by Yawackhary, Cyrus Annihilator, and Croix)
Known issues:
  • Cody's parry can block knives, swords, motorbikes, bullets, and even laser beams. The only two things he cannot block are electricity and grapple.
  • If Cody is grabbed by a bike gang member from the front during his parry (the picture will show him as grabbed from behind, and that causes the problem), but managed to escape with a special move before the gangster tries to punch him, this issue will occur. Cody will lose his blocking stance, but is still able to block one single attack.
  • The parry is still a new thing in the hacks of SOR2, there might be other undiscovered issues. Leave a message to the author if you discover one, and the author will try to fix it in the next update.
Enjoy the game!

ROM / ISO Information:

  • No-Intro Name: Streets of Rage 2 (USA)
  • (No-Intro version 20130710-102701)
  • ROM/File SHA-1: 8B656EEC9692D88BBBB84787142AA732B44CE0BE

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