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GFF (Grond's Final Fantasy)

GFF (Grond's Final Fantasy)
Hack of Final Fantasy


About This Hack:
The purpose of this hack is to take an already great game and greatly improve on it by enhancing it with special features, ironing out wrinkles in the gameplay (poor balance, annoying quirks, and game-breaking bugs); and to a somewhat lesser extent, to put the author's own personal spin on the game.
Notable Changes From FF1:
  • Many bugfix and enhancement patches made by other ROMhackers applied
  • New, animated title added at game startup
  • Menu color can be changed–press B at the title repeatedly to cycle through the available colors
  • Names of most things expanded and altered
  • Saving is now done from the main menu instead of via inns, tents, & such
  • You can now sort your magic spells and delete unwanted ones
  • In-game world map slightly improved; now accessed by pressing Select+Start instead of B+Select
  • B-Button dash available at all times, even on the airship
  • Water & such things are animated now, and some areas have palette-cycling effects
  • Default (pre-bought/equipped) equipment & spells added at new game
  • Censored graphics from the Japanese version restored
  • Boss battles have their own songs now, instead of the normal battle music
  • Dual-wield ability given to Ninja and Monk/High Monk
  • Random battle rate is slightly decreased if a Rogue or Ninja is the party leader
  • A few new stat-boosting consumable items added
  • Most damaging-dealing spells should usually hit in the greater half of their damage range now
  • Elemental magic does 2x (instead of 1.5x) damage against vulnerable enemies (3x if at level 50)
  • Some spells switched around; some had effects and/or effectivity altered
  • Properties of some weapons and armor altered; some were changed into entirely different things
  • Shop inventories modified a bit; prices of many things lowered a little
  • Sanctuary (formerly Clinic) can now heal petrification and poison, in addition to death
  • Magic Evasion of most foes lowered to a more reasonable amount
  • Enemy groups' "ambush" values now roughly scale with the point in the game in which they are met
  • Several area maps altered a bit (mostly cosmetically) and quite a few treasures changed
  • A few walk-through-able secret walls added here and there
  • Some towns have a hidden treasure to find
  • Two hidden bonus areas added: one accessed from the first town (but only late in the game) and one from the last town, south of the hidden magic shops
  • Ship puzzle game now gives 500 Gold (50000 if at level 50)
  • All party members always gain experience after battle, even if dead or petrified
  • In determining preemptives/ambushes, all party members' Agility and Luck are considered (rather than only the leader's); if a Rogue or Ninja is the leader, a minor bonus is given at this time
  • Oasis remains after rescuing the Fairy (sells the stat-boosting items)
  • Harm (Dia) spells now injure enemies in the "Evil" category as well as the Undead
  • You can "shoo" most bats away by talking at them
  • Level gains occur more rapidly, especially towards the beginning
  • New Game Plus mode added–beat the game to restart with your stats, equipment, spells, and gold intact, but events, treasures, levels, job class, and items reset
  • Game altered to run on iNES Mapper 4 instead of 1
  • Plenty of other minor changes & one or two surprises
ROM / ISO Information:

  • Final Fantasy (U) [!].nes (GoodNES)
  • Length: 262,160 bytes (256 KB)
  • CRC32: CEBD2A31
  • MD5: 24ae5edf8375162f91a6846d3202e3d6
  • SHA1: C9CFBF5455085E198DCE039298B083CD6FC88BCE

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