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Hacking [Release] TagMo : Tool for creating/editing Amiibos



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
What is TagMo:

TagMo Android app for which allows cloning Amiibos using blank NTAG215 NFC tags. It was created as a result of the "DIY Amiibo cards" thread and all the collaboration that took place in it.
How does it work/Features:
  • Write dump files from legitimate Amiibos into an NTAG215 NFC in a way that WiiU/3DS devices will consider the NFC tag to be a legitimate Amiibo with the same functionality.
  • Save data of a tag to a file and restore it to the same or different Amiibo/Clone provided they are of the same character/game/series.
  • Beta feature: Edit some parameters of a SSB type amiibo allowing you to change special effects, stats etc.
  • Currently only Amiibos are supported Skylander or other figurines are not supported.
  • Only NTAG215 tags can be used to clone Amiibos. no other type (eg: NTAG216/NTAG213) are supported.
  • You will require the key files used in the Amiibo encryption. Please don't PM me about them as I am unable to share them. The thread linked above may help you find them.
  • Once an NFC tag is converted to an Amibo it's type can no longer be altered. For all intents and purposes it's features and limitations will be the same as a legitimate Amiibo. So yes this can not replace Amiiqo or other Amiibo emulator devices please don't waste your time arguing about it.
  • Sadly only android phones are supported.

  • Amiibo Key Files. (See limitations/Don't ask me for these)
    MD5: 45fd53569f5765eef9c337bd5172f937
    SHA1: bbdbb49a917d14f7a997d327ba40d40c39e606ce
  • Some blank NTAG 215 tags (Ebay/Aliexpress)
  • Android phone with NFC (Tested on Nexus 5 running Android Lollipop)
  • Amiibo dumps or real Amiibos which you can copy. (Don't ask me for these)

  1. Install the file on the phone as usual.
  2. Make sure NFC is enabled.
  3. If this is the first time you run the app. Use the Menu->Load key(s) file to load the key file(s)
  4. Use load tag to load an amiibo dump file, scan tag to scan an Amiibo.
  5. Use "Write Tag (Auto)" and place the phone over a blank NTAG215 tag to write the data and create a Amiibo out of it.

  1. Click "Scan Tag" to scan the amiibo.
  2. Click "Save Tag" to save data to a file. (A file name will be generated based on the tag details and saved to the download folder.)

  1. Click "Scan Tag" to scan amiibo.
  2. Click "Edit SSB Data" to edit properties related to SSB. Using this on non SSB amiibo will corrupt its saved data. requiring you to restore it from a save file (if you have one) or to reset it. It is recommended you back the amiibo data using the steps above before trying this out.


The app deveplopment is carried out by myself and North101. With Bombastisch helping out with Issue tracking.

This app is a result of work by many others. Mainly thanks go out to:
  • _Tim_ - The originial idea
  • 1RedOne - support/readme
  • azsde - Bug fixes/maintenance
  • Bombastisch - support and motivation
  • FinalDoom - Bug fixes/maintenance
  • javiMaD - Encryption algo help
  • Kidel - Bug Fixes
  • N3evin - AmiiboAPI data
  • North101 - File browser, Extended amiibo info, QR Code, general cleanup
  • masterchan-777 - Bug fixes/maintenance
  • possi - Wolf link editor
  • socram8888 - Decryotion encryption code
  • Supercool330 - Encryption algo help
  • Others who preferred to remain anonymous.
  • Many more who helped in testing.

Current Release

Version 2.6: https://github.com/HiddenRamblings/TagMo/releases/tag/2.6
Version 2.5.2: https://github.com/HiddenRamblings/TagMo/releases/tag/2.5.2

  • Ability to sync latest amiibo database infomation from AmiiboApi.com
  • Option to disable validation of Tags for older/problematic phones (Mainly Samsung)
  • Fix blank tags being identified as Mario.
  • Other minor fixes.
Version 2.5.1: https://github.com/HiddenRamblings/TagMo/releases/tag/2.5.1
  1. Copying data between tags work properly.
  2. Validates that tags are NTAG215.
  3. Validates that tags are Writable.
  4. Layout fixes.
  5. QR codes now use base64 encoding.
Version 2.5: https://github.com/HiddenRamblings/TagMo/releases/tag/2.5
Host of improvements curtesy of North101
  • QR Code scanning.
  • Better detailed Amiibo information display
  • Settings panel
  • Built-in Amiibo file browser (Warning only shows files inside TagMo folder)
  • Logcat generation option for when submitting bug reports.

Version 2.4.0 (beta):

This release was based entirely on the work of azsde, Kidel, masterchan-777, possi.
Version 2.3.2:

Version 2.3.1: Fix permission issue

Version: 2.3
Binaries: https://github.com/HiddenRambler/TagMo/releases/download/2.3/TagMo.2.3.apk

Source Code: https://github.com/HiddenRamblings/TagMo
Please note that the above is a new source code URL.

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