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Hotel GameParadise



Staff member
Hotel GameParadise

Welcome one and all to the largest Video Game related Hotel on the face of the earth. The hotel is situated right on the beach, think of it as a beach resort. Soft sand, sparkling pools and over 20,000 luxury rooms available to our full time guests. The hotel also features lush rainforest sections as the hotel staff feel very strongly about beautification. To enter Hotel GameParadise you pass through two huge arches and enter a grand lobby that is thriving with people and conversations. In the lobby you will find reception on your left where at least one of the hotel staff is always ready to greet new guests. To the right is the hotel bar (it is a guest project not a staff maintained project). Guests take turns to man the bar and serve out delicious foaming mugs of Grog. But the bar is usually opperated mainly by Lord Graga. If you continued straight ahead in the lobby you would find a hallway on the left is the hotel elevator (we only have one) and the..............stairs. Too the right is the conference room that is usually taken up by Graphics design seminars and workshops (the artworks of some guests litter the walls). The conference room is a huge ballroom like place with big timber doors and a timber floor. It really is quite magnificent to see.
If you take the stairs or elevator one floor up you would find doors that led to the back of the hotel which houses the 3 crystal clear pools surrounded by deck chairs. This section is all outdoors so during the day the sun is always shining. There is also a path that if you follow it you will end up at the beach where members regularly play beach volleyball and other assorted beach games.

Your job? Continue the description in more detail, what's your room like at hotel GameParadise? What is yours and other member's favorite pastimes? Explain all the general shinanigans that take place. You don't even have to write about it if you don't want to, post a picture you made/took/found of what hotel GameParadise looks like. Regulars at GameParadise know how this goes.
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