Described as a narrative-driven visual novel, Third Eye Open follows a young girl named Ting who has the ability to see spirits. She has even made a friend with a young ghost, Xiu. Together, they face challenges from the real and the spiritual worlds. Is Ting's power a gift or a curse?
The game covers the five years of Ting's childhood where she struggles the most with the idea of her ability and how it makes her different from her peers. To make things even worse, her family seems like it is about to fall apart and that results in some very difficult conversations. Spirits will fight for her attention, some of them being helpful and some of them more interested in misguiding the young girl. Along the way, Ting will also solve puzzles and be stealthy to avoid threats.
Third Eye Open's visual style is inspired by the Joss papercraft of Southeast Asia. The game's activities, locations, characters, and dialogue are all inspired by Malaysian traditions, culture, and folklore: visit the Morning Markets, befriend a monk, feast at the Night Market, and avoid the wandering spirits from the woods. Emphasis on that last part, I'd imagine.
"From the moment we saw CVG's short game, Paper Ghost Stories: 7PM, we immediately fell in love with what they were doing," says Shintaro Kanaoya, CEO of Chorus Worldwide, in a press release. "We're delighted that we were able to work with them to bring Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open to life and the results are extraordinary, hugely expanding on 7PM in ambition and scope and delivering a moving family drama told in an authentically unique Southeast Asian style."
Developed by Cellar Vault Games and published by Chorus Worldwide, Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open will be released for PC via Steam, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One (compatible with Xbox Series) on September 5.