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hacPack v1.20-r3
hacPack is a tool for creating Nintendo Switch NCAs (Nintendo Content Archive).




hacPack is a tool for creating Nintendo Switch NCAs (Nintendo Content Archive) and packing them into NSPs (Nintendo Submission Package)
hacPack is totally written from scratch and it's fully open-source, there's nothing illegal (Nintendo's stuff) in it

Key features:
  • Support all types of NCAs (Program, Control, Data, Metadata, PublicData)
  • Options for creating program nca with/without romfs and logo sections
  • Support Application, AddOnContent, SystemData and System Program Metadata NCAs
  • Support for creating Metadata nca from ncas and cnmt
  • Fully crypto customization, Including Keygeneration, Keyarea encryption key 2, Section encryption
  • CLI app, also includes a simple GUI for end-users
  • Multi architecture and Multi platform compatibility, Including but not limited to: Windows, Linux, macOS, x86, x86-64, arm-le

Some of the use cases of hacPack:
  • Creating homebrew and custom NCAs/NSPs
  • Merging updates and dlcs NCAs/NSPs into game NCAs/NSPs
  • Making NCAs/NSPs from game mods and merging game mods with existing game NCAs/NSPs
  • Fully modifying and repacking applications and system NCAs
  • Changing titleid, icons and other control parameters of games and dlcs, changing the game loading logos
  • Repacking games to work on lower firmwares
  • Repacking dlcs to work on lower game versions
  • Add translations to game
Also hacPack is now comes with hacPackTools, hacPackTools are tools for viewing and modifying the files inside ncas
First hacPackTool is now released, It's hacPackTools-NACP

NACP is a file in control nca that specifies multiple parameters of the game including screenshot permissions, video capture permission, savedata file size and etc...

Key features of hacPackTools-NACP:
  • Viewing the value of NACP parameters
  • Creating .nacp.xml from .nacp
  • Creating .nacp from .nacp.xml
Some of the use cases of hacPackTools-NACP:
  • Making xml from nacp so it becomes human readable, modifying it and make nacp again from xml
  • Creating nacp for homebrew nsps
  • Changing the game data save size
  • Changing the games and apps permissions, like allowing screenshot and video capture
  • Remove the need of selecting user account when launching a game/app

hacBrewPack, a tool for creating homebrew nsps is based on hacPack. It's a simplified version of hacPack which is designed for creating nsps from homebrews fast and easy.
First and the only legal hbmenu nsp is built with hacPack and the latest version features hacPackTools-NACP which enables capabilities like videocapture and 0 size save data and no need for user selection.
Also all custom nsps from Developers and Scene groups are built with hacPack/hacBrewPack.

hacPack will continue to be updated with new features and tools
First release
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