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Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon


OMG HI! Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon

In short, Sonic Frontiers Final Mix

After nearly 2 years, 3 updates and a very dedicated modding community I bring you today what I consider to be my definitive way to play Sonic Frontiers.

I used this little assortment of mods in a recent replay of the game with the goal of enhancing my experience, expanding my moveset (although very minorly) and prettying up the game.

Enough with the formal talk, I'm gonna list he mods in categories and list what each of them do and link them as I go.

Graphics: These mods make the game look overall nicer but they may not be suited for lower end pc's

https://gamebanana.com/mods/512389 Subsurface Scattering Fix - Fixes the weird orange blotches on sonic when the light hits him

https://gamebanana.com/mods/487310 Graphics Enhancements - Overall makes the game look nicer

https://gamebanana.com/mods/512256 Improved Ambient Lighting - Its in the name really

https://gamebanana.com/mods/521856 Misc. Visual Fixes - Makes the objects in the background load in higher detail from what I can tell

Gameplay: These mods make the game feel overall like a new yet familiar experience

https://gamebanana.com/mods/481631 Vanilla+ Experience - There is so much that his mod does that you're better off just reading the mod page yourself. I will say that this mod alone warrants a replay of the game

https://gamebanana.com/mods/462540 Reimagined Platforms - Overall gives the platforms a more appealing look to them

https://gamebanana.com/mods/521408 Super Sonic Damage Ring Loss - Makes the piss easy titan bosses a little more challenging, you can configure it to however it suits you best

https://gamebanana.com/mods/528147 Original Cyber Space Themes - Greatly improves the cyberspace experience and makes it feel fresh rather than just green hill for the 5th time in a row

https://gamebanana.com/mods/456232 Enhanced Jukebox - Title says it all

https://gamebanana.com/mods/485524 Realtime Cutscenes Definitive Edition - This mod replaces nearly all prerendered cutscenes with realtime cutscenes allowing for skin mods and the dlc costumes to show up in nearly every cutscene in the game, it also makes the cutscenes look nicer with the graphics mods

https://gamebanana.com/mods/463095 Loco's Reimagined Drift Experience - Allows the drift to be used in open zone and every cyber space level aswell as improves the handling

https://gamebanana.com/mods/514914 Lost World Style Spindash - Makes the spindash function similarly to the spindash in sonic lost world. I personally like how I can uncurl on a dime and keep bosting

https://gamebanana.com/mods/426067 Theatre Mode - You're better off reading the mod page for this one because it adds alot of fun new features for after you finish an island

UI: These are entirely optional but I feel like they make this collection of mods feel a little more official

https://gamebanana.com/mods/464070 Final Horizon Teaser Titles - A collection of title screens based off of the promotional teasers for The Final Horizon update. Personally I use the Promo Image option

https://gamebanana.com/mods/438929 Island UI Edit - Improves the UI for the save files and islands on the map screen, its pretty clean tbh

https://gamebanana.com/mods/518852 Alternate Sonic Team Intro - Entirely optional but I personally like it. Would recommend the 1080p version since it plays at 60fps. It takes a little finagling to get working but the short of it is just copy sonicteam_logo_4k.usm and rename the copy to sonicteam_logo.usm and it'll work fine

https://gamebanana.com/mods/423887 Discord Frontiers - Ads Discord Rich Presence to the game

Post Game: These Few are ones I'd Consider waiting until you've finished the game to enable

https://gamebanana.com/mods/454370 Transformable Super Sonic - Allows you to use Super Sonic and Super Sonic 2 in the open zones

https://gamebanana.com/mods/512089 Character Normaliser - Needed for the next mod

https://gamebanana.com/mods/511891 Playable Amy Tails and Knuckles - Lets you play as Amy, Tails and Knuckles in the Open Zone aswell as in Cyber Space

https://gamebanana.com/mods/472221 Definitive Cyber Ghost Removal - Removes the Cyber Ghost effects for Amy, Tails and Knuckles

Codes: These are the codes I would recommend to use alongside these mods. Do keep in mind that some of these codes are required for some of the mods so if you want to disable any of them, check the mod pages for what codes are required. Use ctrl + F on HMM to find the codes faster

Show Another Story Stages in Arcade Mode
Show Missions in Arcade Mode
Disable Menu Restrictions
Increase Spin Charge Rotation Speed
Disable Deceleration Collision
Retain Horizontal Velocity from Jump
Tighter Jump Rotation
Retain Velocity form Enemy Bounce
Reduce Homing Delay
Disable Spin Charge Air Deceleration
Disable Drop Dash Camera Delay
Disable Spin Charge Camera
Smooth Camera (v1.41)
Disable Running Fall
Bouncy Jump Ball
Rail Crouch
Disable Lava Instant Death
Super Stomp
Disable Power Boost Audio
Fix Photo Mode Camera Collision
Fix Player Deceleration
Disable Soldier Eggs
Restore Unused Supreme QTE
Disable Telementry
Centre Game Window on Launch
Disable Mouse Input (Completely optional, I play on controller)
Disable Keyboard Input (Completely optional, I play on controller)
Always Hide Mouse Cursor (I'm sure you get it by now)
Hide Drift Input Prompt
Disable DLC Messages on New Game
Tighter Spin Dash Rotation
Disable Drop Dash Turning Delay
Tighter Drop Dash Rotation
Force 4k Video Playback
2x Extended Foliage Draw Distance
Force Maximum Geometry Detail
Disable Shadow Angle Limit
2x Extended Grass Draw Distance
Force Higher Detail Reflections
Hide Star Beacons
Disable FPS Limit in Cutscenes (experimental)
Keep Red Rings on Death
Always Have Power Boost in Cyber Space
Disable Camera Collision
Disable Distance Limit
Homing Attack Trick Animations
Use Swim Animation When Flying Underwater
Retain Upgraded Boost Gauge
Allow Spin Dash During Auto Run
Allow Boost To Damage Objects
Always Allow Jumping Off Rails
Allow Spin Dash on Dash Panels
Always Trickable Spin Dash Exit
Disable Fishing Jingle
Disable Idle Music Volume Reduction
Always Play 'Vandalize' During Credits
Fix Shadow Stutter
Fix Resolution Resetting on Launch
Fix Grind Leaning
Fix Upreel Grip Position
Fix Rail Switching Animation
Fix Quick Cyloop Lock-On
Fix Air Boost Reset
Fix Stomp Reset
Fix Damage from Jumping Into Enemies
Hide Drift Dash Panels
Allow Party Details in Another Story
Disable Drift Dash Panels
Enable Air Tricks from Terrain
Disable Spin Slash on Drop Dash
Allow Attacking from Stomp Bounce
Disable Loop Kick on Slide
Drop Dash on Double Jump
Recovery Jump Into Glide
Recovery Jump Into Flight

Load Order: After a large amount of tedious testing, this is the load order you should use for the mods. I'm Listing them by their name in HMM

Enhanced Juke Box + Fixes
Original Cyberspace Themes
Subsurface Scattering Fix
Improved Ambient Lighting
Graphics Enhancement
Misc. Visual Fixes
Realtime Cutscenes: Definitive Edition
Final Horizons Teaser Titles
Reimagined Platforms
Definitive Cyber Ghost Removal (Post game, I recommend enabling after finishing the game)
Vanilla+ Experience
Playable Amy, Tails and Knuckles (Post Game)
Character Normalizer (Post Game)
Alternate Sonic Team Intro
Discord Frontiers
SS Damage Ring Loss
Loco's Reimagined Drift Experience
Lost World Style Spindash
Super Sonic (2) (Post Game)
Island UI Edit
Theater Mode

Mod Configs: Check the images above to see my configuration for the mods. A good amount of people were asking me about them in the initial post

And with this long winded post coming to an end I would like to thank you for reading and I hope this list either helped you find some quality mods that went under your radar or gave you a reason to replay sonic frontiers again.

Thank you to all the modders who made these, they really have given me a new and amazing experience with sonic frontiers.

If any new mods come out that fit in with my goal of this list ill be sure to update the list to add them and to anyone who has read this far feel free to share a couple of your favourite mods in the comments.

Again, thank you very much for reading.


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